Thursday, December 18, 2008

Send Me Your Stuff, Bitches!

Everywhere I read these days people are convinced that we have entered into the bowels of hell and that there is no point in seeking shelter from what is coming.

Well, maybe that's true. Many of you doomsayers should send me all of your shit right now. I then advise you to commit suicide and decrease the surplus population. You meatsacks are taking up too much space and hogging up too many resources already. So jump, you fuckers!

But maybe that's not true at all.

People are worried about the "unwinding" of the various bubble bursts that we are going to have to weather. I don't claim that there's nothing to worry about - to the contrary, we have to act decisively and reestablish the middle-class in America. There's real work to be done and an elite 1% at the top to tame and regulate.

But the world is not ending. The world goes on. Same as it ever was.

A lot of you are worried about the fact that the economy is unraveling. The funny thing about that is that the economy has been a fiction for years - there's nothing there in actuality to unravel. You believe in dollars because everyone else does. If they all believed in something different so would you.

Between 1933-35 we went off the gold standard. Around 1973 we abandoned silver backed currency. Dollars are now promises to pay nothing at all. They are legal tender for all debts public and private: the promise to pay a printed piece of paper that says $1 on it. Even worse, it's often the promise to pay an electronic financial database entry instead of even the paper. See:

Most money is created when you step into a bank and promise to pay them for the loans they grant you. I have heard all kinds of reserve percentages bandied around over the years and I am now willing to accept that banks may be lending as much as $10,000 USD if they have 3% of it on reserve. Yes, that means they will create and loan you $10,000 USD that will accrue interest and penalties over a period of time in exchange for $300 USD that they may actually have on reserve. Yes, it's a racket.

The main point I am making is that this game is ongoing and has been in effect since before any of us were born. The people that benefit the most from this setup aren't going to allow it to stop except in the event of a bloody revolution. Be assured: the game will go on!

That's bad and good news. The bad news is that the world will not implode and nothing short of a bloody revolution is going to usher in any kind of substantive change that's going to topple the top 1% elites from their ivory towers of power. The good news is that we have a window of opportunity to insist upon the kinds of changes others have already implemented in Europe and Canada. We must become more social in our politics, institute a host of substantive regulatory controls, and then continue to nurture a hybrid economic model for the foreseeable future.

No more handouts to the elites. No more socialism at the top only. It is time to demand social equity and political justice.

For those of you not up to the challenge, please go back to the first two paragraphs and follow through.