Our Melamine: There's Mercury in High Fructose Corn Syrup, and the FDA Has Known for Years
What makes this news truly shocking is not just that the manufacturers of high fructose corn syrup would put consumers' health at risk, but that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew about the mercury in the syrup, and has been sitting on this information since 2005.
Here's the connection, according to the IATP press release (pdf): The IATP study comes on the heels of another study, conducted in 2005 but only recently published by the scientific journal, Environmental Health, which revealed that nearly 50 percent of commercial HFCS samples tested positive for the heavy metal.
Everywhere one turns there is mounting evidence that you simply cannot trust anyone else with food safety. The government is to be trusted least of all. Corporations buy and sell the government every fucking day.