Friday, April 3, 2009

The War on Drugs, Industrial Hemp and the Financial Crisis...

I guess a bill has been proposed in the federal legislature to decriminalize industrial hemp. Hemp is incredibly useful for an endless assortment of things: paper, rope, textiles, biodegradable plastics, food and bio-fuel. But yeah, let's keep that illegal in the name of the radically failed war on drugs...

In truth, the U.S. loves drugs! We buy them over the counter and feed big pharma and we buy from the black market and feed South American drug lords. I guess the violence and death on either side of that equation doesn't bother anyone.

But hemp bothers them!

I am a strong proponent for reasonableness in government. I therefore support the legalization of most drugs wholeheartedly - not because I am a user but because it makes good health sense to control the quality of drugs people are ingesting anyway (it reduces overdose accidents by a huge measure) and then it makes good fiscal sense to tax the drug source the same way we do big pharma.

Taxing what are now illegal drugs would rake in serious money. Even legal, I bet marijuana and cocaine would be billion dollar industries. I know you know some potheads and cokeheads. Just admit to yourself that the availability of illicit drugs is de facto and uncontrolled. Don't you want a piece of that pie paying your government bills?

Hemp isn't even a psychoactive drug. It just looks like one. Can't we at least legalize that?

There is dumb and then there is the appalling shit our government does in our names...

...every day...all the time...ongoing...endlessly...
